What Is Evolution?
context of the origin of life, i.e., the evolution of the earth, of stars, and
indeed of the universe itself. To unfold or unroll or reveal the hidden potentialities is called evolution. Evolution is an orderly change from one condition to another. Evolution is a slow, gradual and continuous, or irreversible process. Evolution term was introduced by "Herbert Spencer". Evolution can be best explained by Darwin's concept of "Descent with Modification"
Descent= Next generation or Modification = Changes.
What is Evolutionary Biology?
Evolutionary Biology is the study of the history of life forms. i.e. the changes in flora(plants) and fauna(animals) that have occurred over millions of years on earth.
What is Universe?
The universe is a huge cluster(group) of galaxies. Galaxies contain stars and clouds of gases and dust. Considering the size of the universe earth is indeed a speck(tiny particle). i.e. the universe is vast. Milky Way is a very small part of the universe. So when we see stars we apparently are peeping into the past.
This theory s proposed by "Abbe Lemaitre". The universe originated about 20 billion years ago (bya) due to a thermonuclear explosion of a dense entity. This single huge explosion which is unimaginable in physical terms is called Big Bang.
- Earth formed – 4.5 Billion Years Ago
- There was no atmosphere on early earth.
Theories for origin of life
- Theory of special creation
- Cosmic Panspermia
- Spontaneous(suddenly) generation theory
- Biogenesis Theory
- Oparin Haldane Theory
Special Creation theory
This theory was supported by father Suarez. This is a mythological theory. All living organisms that we see today were created as such. Diversity was always the same since its creation and will be the same in the future. According to this theory, Life originates in 6 days. According to this earth is about 4000 years old.
Cosmic Panspermia Theory
This theory was supported by Early Greek Thinkers/ Ritcher. Some scientists believe that life came from outer space. Early Greek thinkers thought units of life called spores were transferred to different planets including earth. ‘Panspermia’ is still a favorite idea for some astronomers.
Theory of Spontaneous generation
Also known as Abiogenesis(non-living formation)/Autogenesis theory.
Non-living matter➡ Living Organisms
Theory of Biogenesis
- First life originated in seawater, so WATER is essential for the origin of life.
Part – A Chemical Evolution
- MOLECULAR STAGE (H2O(g), NH3, CO, CO2, N2, H2, CH4 )
- SIMPLE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS (Aldehydes, Ketones, Pentose, Hexose, Amino acids, Fatty acids, Glycerols, Nitrogenous bases)
- COMPLEX ORGANIC COMPOUNDS (Proteins, Carbohydrates, Lipids, Nucleic acids)
- Water and ammonia were probably the first inorganic compounds formed on earth.
- Methane (𝑪𝑯𝟒) was the first organic compound.
- No free oxygen (O2 ) was left, which made the atmosphere reduce.
- The primitive conditions on earth were
Part – B Biological Evolution
- Clusters of macromolecules
- Colloidal drop like structures
- Show growth
- Exhibit simple metabolism
- Partially isolated from the external environment i.e. they were able to maintain their constant internal environment
- Lipid membrane absent.
- Could not reproduce
- NOTE: Artificially synthesized protobionts
- Coacervates by Oparin
- Microspheres by Sydney Fox
Eobionts (Protocell)
- Clusters of nucleoproteins surrounded by lipid coat
- First living form
- First self-replicating capsules
- Origin 3 Billion Years ago
- First Non-cellular form of Life
- Energy by glucose fermentation
- Virus-Like Structures Retrogressive evolution
First Prokaryotic cell
- Cellular form of Life
- Origin 2 Billion Years ago
- Single-celled and reproduce
- By budding
- By binary fission
- Anaerobic
- Chemoheterotphs
Prokaryotic cells
- Chemoheterotrophs & Anaerobes (Absorbed organic molecules from surroundings)
⬇(Mutation)- Chemoautotrophs & Anaerobes
(Inorganic matter → Organic food))
- Non-oxygenic photoautotrophs & Anaerobes
- Oxygenic photoautotrophs & Anaerobes
(Source of Hydrogen – H2O)
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