[PDF]Plant Kingdom Question Bank PYQ NEET  Today I am going to share with you the previous year's question on the Plant Kingdom. Here is the question bank so you can download it 

Plant Kingdom
Plant Kingdom

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Plant Kingdom

1. Which of the following contain cellulose in their cell wall?

(i) Rhizopus  (ii) Chara  (iii) Pythium  (iv) Pteris

(1) (i) & (iv)

(2) Only (iii)

(3) (i) & (iii)

(4) (ii), (iii) & (iv)

2. In pteridophytes, sporophylls may form distinct compact structure called :

(l) Sorus

(2) Cones or strobili

(3) Trophophyll

(4) Macrophyll

3. Find the ploidy level of the following.

(i) Prothallus   (ii) Gemma of Marchantia  (iii) Peristomial

teeth of mosses  (iv) Rhizoids of Psilotum  (v) Leaves of

ferns (vi) Sporophylls of Cycas

(l) 2n, 2n, 2n, 2n, n, n respectively

(2) n, n, n, n, 2n, 2n respectively

(3) n, n, 2n, 2n, 2n, 2n respectively

(4) n, n, 2n, n, 2n, n respectively

4. Predominant stage of them is the gametophyte, they vegetatively reproduce by fragmentation and budding. They produce male and female gametes in antheridia and archegonia, respectively. After fertilization zygote develops into a sporophyte consisting of the foot, seta, and capsule, in them spores formed in their capsule produce protonema on germination. The above description is about the group


(2) Bryopsida

(3) Hepaticopsida

(4) Psilopsida

 5. In mosses, during sexual reproduction, sex organs antheridia and archegonia are produced at the apex of:-

(1) Protonema

(2) Prothallus

(3) Leafy shoot

(4) Capsule

8. Gemmae are the structures of:-

(1) Asexual reproduction produced in Marchantia

(2) Sexual reproduction produced in most mosses

(3) Asexual reproduction produced in most mosses

(4) Sexual reproduction produced in most liverworts

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